Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

August 02, 2010

Saturday Bike Ride

You are thinking we are always on bike rides. this was last Saturday. The group rode 30 km. Jessica and Stephanie went for 18 and then rode home. In the middle of the picture with the red shorts is Rogerio's friend his name is Rogerio. He is a triathlon guy. His family is one of the few Brazilian families involved in our ministry here. He is the one getting everyone going! Yes Rebeca Tiago and I stayed home. Rebeca actaully loves to go on the bike but three hours maybe too much and Tiago loves to go to but has a little bike so hard to keep up. Next week he wants to go 50km. He might be by himself????

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