Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

January 26, 2011

What a Special Mom I Have!!

My mother sent Simone and Priscila Christmas presents. I just got them to them because they were traveling with Rogerio. What a special treat for them. Thank you mom. It ment so much to them. I had asked both of them if they had gotten a Christmas present really neither of them said they did so now they can say a grandma all the way in Washington remember them.

January 20, 2011

Misson Trip to Piaui

Rogerio just got back after 10 days with this group from Piaui. They went to do basketball clinics and tell the people about Jesus. Rogerio said it was a blessing and they all learned a lot. Piaui is the poorest state in Brazil so the pwoplw are simple and hae very little. They worked with two church in two different cities. More pictures to come!

Christmas Eve

Here we are at church on Christmas Eve. We had a goup of the kids go with us. In Brazil families go to the Christmas Eve servie and then go home and have their main Christmas feast that night. We had our lunch on the next day.

Eating the Gingerbread House

If you saw the previous postagen we made gingerbread houses. that night look what I found Rogerio and Rebeca doing.... Eating the gingerbread house. Here because of the heat and ants we can't really keep them anyway!

Gingerbread house pictures

These pictures are from December but I never posted them. We had a big group at our house for makig gingerbread house. Everyone had lots of fun. It is not something they make here. Two of the girls have made them with us before but the boys never. They each came up with amazing creations. Here we use saltine crackers and lots of candy. These are Timothy friends Silvo, Miguel and Mateus

January 17, 2011

Where is Rebeca?

I went outside to see where Rebeca was and I found her here. She fit just perfect.

January 13, 2011

Christmas Packages

This week we had a second Christmas here in Brazil. the Christmas packages from Grandpa, Grandma and the Lang family arrived!! My mom sent them two month before Christmas and they arrived Jan 12th. God knew because Rogerio is gone for 10 days on a missions trip and the kids and I needed things to do... The boxes came at the perfect time!! Thank you mom and dad. thank you Debbie and Chris

Here we are playing the new pictionary game. This boy is Mateus. Some of Timothy's friends have been staying with us during the week.
Grandma sent everyone a $1. Rebeca loved hers and put it in her purse.

Fun new cookie cutters! Don't worry we are going to try them out even though Christmas is over!

Rebeca watching her new Veggie Tale. She loves Bob!

Jessica got a new camera.

Rebeca and her new doll.

The new Wii Mario Cart game. They all love it!! It is hard for Timothy to do anything else but play. He has been letting his friends play

The boys got these fun remote cars from Grandpa. They are really fun.

Fun projects to do

Fun new Christmas decorations.

Stephanie loved her new dresses. She can wear them to chrch.

Timothy loved his new shirts and shorts. Just what we wear everyday here!

The boxes arrived!!!