Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

April 22, 2011

Treasure Party

Stephanie turned 11 on April 17th. We are so thankful for her life. She is a talented little girl with an outgoing and fun personality. We pray that God uses her greatly. Here everyone is looking for where the treasure is hidden.

The kids loved all the candy!

The funny thing about this party is that it just about did not haeppen because we did not have any water that day or the day before. In the afternoon we finally had water for two hours and we were able to make the cake then it turned off. We all went to the basketball program and then everyone came to our house. I warned everyone that there was no water. It was oksy but you will notice that none of us are too fancy, no water no shower.

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