Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

March 25, 2008

Family News


Our boys play Basketball with the kids from the school. Tiago as you can see is not up to the competition yet but he is there trying to score and pass the ball to his teammates. He is learning to use his left hand, which is going to help him a lot. Timothy is fianlly palying with kids his age! Beacuse of his hight and skills he was playing with older boys last year and this year he is doing a good job scoring.

Our girls have been enjoying playing basketball with the girls from the school. They have lots of friends and they all have fun together. Stephanie like to run hard up and down on the court, she is getting better dribling the ball but doesn't score much. Jessica can shoot better but needs to try more shooting the ball.


Our Dog Lady gave birth to 8 puppies but we only have 5! We know one for sure were dead but the other two puppies we don't know what happened to them. The little guys are growing and getting cutier each day! Jessica and stephanie loves to plat with them, poor puppies! We plan to give hem away as soon as they can live without their mom (lady). Priscila loves the brown one so I guess she will get that one.

All around

Susan is doing good and feeling well. she is going to to see the Dr. this weekend for a routine check up, our baby girl is doing great. We are still deciding on the name.

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