Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

July 26, 2010

Basketball Game

This was the second game that our team p[layed again the team in Hortolandia. You can see that our team is mixed girls and boys because we did not have enough girls. This was listen to the tesimony after the game.

Simone gave her tesimony and it went really good. Then we gave the team some athlete Bible which are lots of good verses put together for athletes. I am holding one in my hand
Here is the teasm picture. Our frind Flavia and Carlao were there to watch and participate Flavia plays basketball in Italy. She is under contract so could not play with us that night! She is as tall as me and an exceleent player. You know what is really fun is that I got to play with Timothy and Stephanie a little bit. Now that is fun. Timothy hit some threes and had some other shots. Jessica was watching Rebeca.

This was the Bible Study that Rogerio gave before the game to our team. He is studying the audience of one principles with the team. We are playing for the glory of God.

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