Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

August 06, 2010

Gojng to School

Here are Stephanie and Tiago going to school on Friday of their first weeek. hey have the school shirt on I thon the sun was in their eyes so not a great picture. Stephani is happy to sit in the front with her dad. Rogerio goes back and forth in the morning and afternoon. He set up an office for himself at the basketball club so he stays in town. His practices will start soon

Here is Jessica's school book. This is the English part. Which is easy for them
This was the history that we were reading yesterday. It is good and challenging for me to as I help them. She is studying about the history of Greece, the Romans and Spartan etc....

This is the set of workbooks the school uses. The private schools use them in Brazil. In the puplic school the kids just copy from the board.

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