Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

December 27, 2010

Church Christmas Program

Our church put on a tremedous Christmas production this year. Our four kids got to be in it. Singing, dancing, and acting Rebeca was a star. This was one of the wisemen that came in when she was dancing. Tiago and his friends did a great job.
These were all the Sunday school teachers who helped with the kids.

This is Elisa. There were four adult that helped the kids with the singing. They did some of the solos and are amazing singers. Elisa and her husband are missionary and work with soccer.

Rebeca recieved her treat at the end of the program. She was the youngest in the program and loved it. Did her dancing and knew the other dances too.

Stephanie and Jessica was Angels and did two dances

Jessica as an angel before the makeup

These are some of the adults that did the play part of the program. It was about a circus and very new and interesting way to tell about Jesus and the story of his birth. I loved it.

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