Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

May 15, 2008

Jessica’s Letter
On May 6th a little girl was born in Americana at the hospital Sao Francisco. Rebeca she sleeps a lot during the night and the day. She was 8 lbs and 20 in. Rebeca was born at 10:50 pm and she stayed at the hospital for 24 hours. She has a lot of clothes. We can not choice what we are going to put on her. My father, Stephanie, Timothy, Tiago, Priscila and Simone and I went to pick up my mother and Rebeca at the hospital. I went to practice that morning and I like practice. After that we went to the hospital then we came back home. Rebeca had her first car ride. We got out of the car I got the baby and I put her in her crib. She did not like it and she cried and cried. We had to take her out until she stopped crying. I like my new sister a lot. She is very cute and she likes to drink a lot of milk. Yesterday I played Battle Ship with my dad. I won the game. After we played, we played Uno and I won. My sister Stephanie won two times. My sister Rebeca finally stopped crying.

By Jessica Marcia Soares

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