Soares Family in Brazil

Soares Family with Atletas em Acao

We are missionaries in Brazil working with Atletas em Acao. AeA is a sports ministry that uses sports as a platform to share with athletes about Jesus Christ

June 04, 2011

7 kilometer Run in Nova Odessa

Last Saturday we participated in a 7 kil run in Nova Odessa. Atletas em Acao ran and helped with the organization. It was a good afternoon. We were able to pass out tracts to all the runners. This is Rogerio Salviana and his dad and mom. His dad is a great runner too and beat me!

Jessica was helping at out booth talking to people and passing out tracts.

Tiago and Stephanie both ran in the children's run

Tais helped at the booth too.

Priscila helping and then she was helping during the run on the course.

This was the start.

Setting up the booth in the afternoon.

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